About Us


Innovation and Transparency in Health Insurance

At Puresurance, we believe that the current US healthcare system is broken and fragmented, with many individuals and small business owners having problems. While some are fortunate to have spouses or group employer plans that they can leverage, for many of us the only options are:


Message from the Founder

When we set out to find the most innovative health coverage products on the market, our core mission was to select those that provided more value to the client than anything they’d seen before. It was a tall order – anyone can attest to the fact that there’s no shortage of expensive, underperforming insurance products.
The health insurance products offered by Puresurance are the most innovative products on the market today, and we couldn’t be more excited to bring them to you.
If you’re not yet familiar with our client-focused (obsessed!) model, reach out today and see if we’re a good fit for your unique situation. Our hope is that we can be by your side, protecting you and your most precious assets.

Why Might Private Health Coverage Be Your Best Option

Stable Insurance Premiums

Because Private Plans require good health in order to qualify for coverage, the expense that comes with taking on those with Major Pre-existing conditions is eliminated. That translates to lower premiums with minimal increases over time.

Freedom of Choice

While HMO’s dictate which providers you can and can’t visit, our clients enjoy the luxury of both membership in a Nationwide PPO Network along with the Freedom of going outside the network without any financial penalty, and without any referrals needed.

Zero Deductibles, Zero Copays

One of the more popular features of Private Coverage is ‘First Dollar Benefits’, meaning benefits paid without having to first meet deductibles or copays for any outpatient care. And if the provider is owned less than your benefit, you’ll get money back (yes, you read that right!)

What our clients say

Frequently asked questions

Browse common Health Insurance questions and answer from the experts at Puresurance.

If you have specific questions please don't hesitate to reach out

BCBS is a traditional policy: Deductible, Copay, Out-of-pocket max. Puresurance offers a high-end defined benefit plan. In other words, it pays a specific benefit for services rendered. Any excess benefit is reimbursed to you, any shortfall might be due to your provider. The only exception is the catastrophic components of our plan, which function similar to a BCBS, UHC, Cigna, or Aetna plan. Our benefits are in line with the average costs of provider contracted (or insurance discounted) rates.

First of all, there’s no such thing as a $1,000,000 claim – it’s a collusive tactic between hospitals and insurance companies to scare you into believing you need major medical coverage. The odds of a $500,000 claim are close to 1 in 87,000. One of the most expensive procedures, a heart transplant, has a fair price in Dallas (per Healthcare Bluebook) of $145,699 and a range of $116,561- $364,248 (including hospital stay). The catastrophic component of Puresurance’s policy, coupled with the base medical plan (they work in concert and both pay benefits) ensures that you and your assets are well-protected, should the worst occur.

Puresurance’s policies are medically underwritten, in contrast to Major Medical Plans, which are Guaranteed Issue. Medical underwriting ensures that all prospective insureds are relatively healthy and free from serious chronic health issues such as Cancer, Diabetes, and Heart Disease. The result is, you’re in a pool with other healthy people and not subsidizing the costs of those with chronic issues like you are on a Major Medical Plan. The result is lower premiums and annual increases of about 1.5% instead of the egregious annual increases plaguing ACA/Obamacare Plans. That said, should you contract any of the diseases mentioned above (or others), you’d be well-protected on a Puresurance Policy, guaranteed renewable to age 65.

As previously mentioned, one of the reasons that Puresurance’s policies are so affordable is that they’re medically underwritten, so any proposed insured would need to be relatively healthy to qualify. Also, only medically necessary procedures are covered – that is, we would not pay benefits for a normal, healthy pregnancy, but we would, should an emergency C-Section need to be done. Additionally, Puresurance does not pay for medical equipment (eg CPAP machines, diabetes pumps, etc.). And lastly, our prescription benefits on our top-level plan is $30/generic, $60/brand name, so if insulin, Humira, or any other expensive medication is needed, we might not be a good option (unless the medication can be gotten directly from the manufacturer at a steep discount).